Mesoscopic modelling and simulation of properties of additively manufactured metallic parts (C5)
Mesoscopic modelling and simulation of properties of additively manufactured metallic parts (C5)
(Third Party Funds Group – Sub project)
Overall project: CRC 814 - Additive Manufacturing
Project leader: ,
Project members: ,
Start date: 1. July 2019
End date: 30. June 2023
Acronym: SFB 814 (C5)
Funding source: DFG - Sonderforschungsbereiche
Based on the gained knowledge of projects B4 and C5, the aim of this project is to account for the influence of part borders on the resulting material/part-mesostructure for powder- and beam-based additive manufacturing technologies of metals and to model the resulting meso- and macroscopic mechanical properties. The mechanical behavior of these mesostructures and the influence of the inevitable process-based geometrical uncertainties is modelled, verified, quantified and validated especially for cellular grid-based structures.
Mesoscopic modelling of additively manufactured Inconel 718
5th International Conference on Additive Technologies - iCAT2016 (Nürnberg)
In: Igor Drstvenšek, Dietmar Drummer, Michael Schmidt (ed.): Proceedings 6th International Conference on Additive Technologies - iCAT2016, Ljubljana: 2016 , , :
Modelling additive manufactured materials using a crystal plasticity model
In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics 16 (2016), p. 355-356
ISSN: 1617-7061
DOI: 10.1002/pamm.201610166 , , :
Modeling of additively manufactured materials using gradient-enhanced crystal plasticity
In: Computers & Mathematics with Applications (2018)
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Geometrically exact elastoplastic rods: determination of yield surface in terms of stress resultants
In: Computational Mechanics (2021)
ISSN: 0178-7675
DOI: 10.1007/s00466-020-01957-4 , , :
Effect of scanning strategies on grain structure and texture of additively manufactured lattice struts: A numerical exploration
In: Advanced Engineering Materials (2024)
ISSN: 1438-1656
DOI: 10.1002/adem.202400661 , , , :