Institute of Applied Mechanics

Passion for mechanics

The Institute of Applied Mechanics (LTM) consists of a professorship for continuum mechanics, a professorship for structural mechanics, and a research group for com­putational mechanics. Each of the two professorships and the research group covers a subject area of applied mechanics both in research and in teaching. Applied mechanics is a basic subject of engineering sciences and strongly anchored and crosslinked in mechanical engineering. The main concern of applied mechanics is modeling and simulation of technologically relevant materials, processes, and systems.

Prof. Dr. Paul Steinmann has been awarded an Advanced Grant from the European Research Council (ERC). He will use the funding of 2.5 million for the next five years to study the fracture mechanics of soft materials such as rubber or fabric more intensively. Paul Steinmann already received an ERC Advanced Grant in 2011 for research into magnetic elastomers.

The new elective course "Beyond FEM" is now available at LTM. This course aims the introduction into the modern and nowadays rapidly developing FEM techniques which go beyond the standard FEM course. The main requirement for students is the finished FEM or IFEM course.

Kategorie: Allgemein, Lehre, Veranstaltungen